
Identity Vectors

4 minute read Published: 2020-09-27

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been at Microsoft for almost a year now — and that I came down with COVID-19 six and a half months ago. When I look back at the tumultuous political landscape that is 2020, these two events will doubtless color my memories of this year in ways that I can not yet really understand.

2019 in Review

5 minute read Published: 2019-12-31

It's been two years since I came out. So much has changed. So much has improved.

If 2018 was about accepting that truth, 2019 was about taking action on it..

For starters, I changed all my online profiles this year. I changed my name this year.

I realized that my career choices over the past several years had led me uncomfortably far from my ethics. (More on that later…)

The result? I spent eight months of 2019 uninsured and underemployed, but still very busy.

Transitioning Is an Act of Strength

5 minute read Published: 2019-12-15

You gave up everything I’ve spent my life fighting for. I can’t imagine how much you must have been hurting inside to choose to do that.

  • Sarah Novotny

Gender Markers

3 minute read Published: 2019-08-13

(content warning: gender issues and gender-based violence, no specifics but still may be difficult for some)

Yesterday, the Washington State Department of Licensing held a public hearing for comments on the proposed legislation to add an ‘X’ gender marker option on state-issued ID’s. I chose to go and stand up for all the non-binary, intersex, and transgender members of my communities.

What's in a Name?

2 minute read Published: 2019-03-15

A MAN IN A frock held up his right hand and said a few words, and I got to fill out some paperwork. It is strange that this process makes me feel better about myself. I abhor paperwork.

Hi, I'm queer and trans

2 minute read Published: 2019-01-28

There’s something I need to get off my chest.

I’ve used a lot of different labels to describe myself over the years – geek, goth, autodidact, polyglot, kinkster, polyamorous, third-culture kid, dharma bum, database admin, software developer, cloud architect, VP. None feel as risky to claim as #trans, and yet, none of those other labels are as authentic, none require as much vulnerability to share.