new years

An overdue reflection on 2020

1 minute read Published: 2021-02-07

I try to journal around New Years every year. I'm running late this year, but with good reason - I had top surgery in December and wasn't able to sit at my desk and comfortably write for a few weeks. By the time I could, I was swamped at work and focusing on that. Check back for a follow-up to this post when I get around to actually writing it 😅

2019 in Review

5 minute read Published: 2019-12-31

It's been two years since I came out. So much has changed. So much has improved.

If 2018 was about accepting that truth, 2019 was about taking action on it..

For starters, I changed all my online profiles this year. I changed my name this year.

I realized that my career choices over the past several years had led me uncomfortably far from my ethics. (More on that later…)

The result? I spent eight months of 2019 uninsured and underemployed, but still very busy.

Hi, I'm queer and trans

2 minute read Published: 2019-01-28

There’s something I need to get off my chest.

I’ve used a lot of different labels to describe myself over the years – geek, goth, autodidact, polyglot, kinkster, polyamorous, third-culture kid, dharma bum, database admin, software developer, cloud architect, VP. None feel as risky to claim as #trans, and yet, none of those other labels are as authentic, none require as much vulnerability to share.